
Environmental Policy Statement

The management and workforce at AM&G Construction & Real Estate developer Limited is committed to the care of the environment and the prevention of pollution.

Michael George The organisation ensures that all its activities are carried out in conformance with relevant legislation, approved codes of practice and associated statutory requirements.
AM&G Construction And Contractor Ltd seeks to minimise waste arising, promote recycling, reduce energy consumption and emissions and where possible, to work with suppliers, contractors and those working on behalf of the organisation who have sound environmental policies.
An essential feature of the environmental management system is a commitment to improving environmental performance. This is achieved by setting annual environmental improvement objectives and targets which are regularly monitored and reviewed. These objectives and targets are publicised throughout AM&GA Construction And Contractor Ltd and all staff are committed to their achievement.
In order to ensure the achievement of the above commitments, AM&GA Construction And Contractor Ltd has implemented and environmental management system which satisfies the requirements of ISO15001:2004.
This policy and the obligations and responsibilities required by the environmental management system have been communicated to all employees. The policy is available to the public on request.

Mr. Michael George
Managing Director
6th January 2014